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Percentage Error Formula

Percentage Error Formula

What is Percentage Error?

Percentage error is a measurement of the accuracy of a measurement. It is calculated by dividing the absolute error by the true value, and then multiplying by 100.

It is useful for comparing the accuracy of different measurements, or for measuring the accuracy of a measurement over time.

Percentage Error Formula

The formula for percentage error is:

``` Percentage error = (|Measured value - True value| / True value) * 100 ```


  • Measured value is the value that was measured
  • True value is the actual value
  • | | indicates absolute value


For example, if you measure the length of a table to be 100 cm, but the true length of the table is 102 cm, the percentage error would be:

``` Percentage error = (|100 cm - 102 cm| / 102 cm) * 100 = 1.96% ```


Percentage error is a useful measurement for assessing the accuracy of measurements. It is easy to calculate and can be used to compare the accuracy of different measurements or to measure the accuracy of a measurement over time.

Percentage Error Formula
